Quizlet Questions and Results

Wednesday August 4, 1999

ITU World Cup '97 in Perth Austrialia
(Photo by Colin Whelan/ITU)


This page contains past quizlet questions and answers.
Please email me if you wish to elaborate on a quizlet question and answer and put in your two cents worth.
e-mail dutri@home.com

If you want your response recorded here let me know via email and I'll be glad to accomidate your thoughts. Hope you find it useful.

Past Quizlet Questions and Results

(This is not scientific. Just questions and posting your answers. Drop me an email if you wish to pose a question or elaborate on your answers.)

1. Who are the members of the Ironman Hall of Fame?
A: Dave Scott, Julie Moss, Mark Allen, Paula Newby-Fraser and Scott Tinley.65 people responded with most votes going to Dave Scott and Paula Newby-Fraser.

2. ITU allows drafting on the bike portion of the triathlon. Do you agree with bike drafting in the triathlon. Yes, No, Doesn't Matter, No Opinion.
45 people responded: Yes=9%, No=78%, Doesn't Matter=4%, No Opinion=9%.Many triathletes feel that triathlon was ment to measure individual hard work without assistance from others.

3. Do you feel that the popularity/participation in the sport of triathlon has leveled off or is it still growing?
74 people responded: Growing steadily=53%, Growing slowly=32%, Remaining about the same=9%, Going downhill=1%, Dying out=3%, No opinion=1% Triathletes are not only fit but optimistic about the future of our sport. Those who answered that the sport is "dying out" must not be triathletes:)

4.)Triathlon makes its debut in the Summer Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia in the year 2000. Will this give triathlon a boost in popularity?
66 people responded: Very big impact=56%, Exposure will help=21%, May help a bit=11%, Will not make much of an impact=5%, No impact=0%, Don't know or no opinion=8%. Most respondents believe that the sport of triathlon will get a significant boost from the Olympics.

5.)What is your favorite stage of the triathlon while racing?
175 responses: Swim 14%, Bike 37%, Run 21%, All about equal 7%, Beer tent 13%, No opinion/don't know 9%. Cycling, running then swimming seem to be the popular choices in that order, topped off with their favorite beverage in the beer tent afterwards:)

6.)Aside from Ironman races, do you feel race fees are:
123 responses: Way too expensive 10%, Expensive 37%, Resonable considering the cost of putting on a race 30%, About right 7%, Good value 2%, Don't Know or No Opinion 15%. Most respondents feel that race fees are expensive while many respondents take in consideration the expense of the race organizers.

7.)How many triathlon/duathlon races are you planning for this year?
79 responses: Less than ten - no Ironmans=46%, not sure/no opinion=24%, More than ten races - no Ironmans=11%, Less than ten races with one Ironman=9%, More than ten races with an Ironman=6%, Ironman racing only=4%.

8.)How many hours per week can you manage to train during your most intense weeks?
90 responses: Greater than 20 hours=17%, 15 to 20 hours=19%, 10 to 15 hours=22%, 6 to 10 hours=24%, Less than 6 hours=16%, No opinion/unsure=2%. Time constraints, a full time job, a family and other commitments make finding the time to train difficult for us amature triathletes.

9.)Have you had any accidents with automobiles while bike training or racing?
27 responses (Quizlet crash): Yes, more than once=30%, Yes, once=11%, No, but some close calls=15%, No=44%, no opinion=0%.

10.)August quizlet question on Page 10 - interactive.

Good Luck in'99, Train Hard
Email me if you have a triathlon related question you want posed on the quizlet.

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